Too Fat Can Cause Problem For Sexual Desire ?
Being overweight not only cause risk for diabetes, heart disease or cancer, but also overweight found to be one of the reasons for the decline in sexual desire as well. Obesity leads to less energy in sex, impotence and hormonal changes. But we can solve this problem by just changing our lifestyle a little bit, it will get better.

1- How does obesity affect sexual desire?
The study found that obese men were at higher risk for erectile dysfunction and dysfunction sexual.Being overweight can also lead to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Block the flow of blood to the penis, making it impossible to get an erection. Obstruction of blood flow to the penis is the same blood flows to the clitoris of the same woman. So overweight women are less sexual ability too. So sexual desire is also less.
In addition, connection between obesity and hormonal changes has been found that it reduce sexual desire in both men and women. Too much fat in the body will increase the production of globulin (SHBG), which is Natural chemicals to bind to testosterone, which binds hormones to stimulate mood Sexual decline.
In addition, psychological problems such as loss of self-confidence and depression is also a sexual problem in obese people. Many studies have found that obese people are more prone to depression and mental illness. All of these problems are the cause of loss of sexual desire or sexual function. Apart from this, there are some sex tricks and the problem of not having enough energy of obese people that cause sexual desire.
Both Fat
2- Change simple habits to arouse sexual feelings again
Body changing and positive thoughts on ourselves will help us to increase our sexual desire again. Experts claim that losing 4.5 kilos can help increase testosterone levels that can restore sexual desire in a short time. These changes include:
Eating a low-fat diet and eating fruits and vegetables can help you control your sugar and cholesterol leveln in the blood, which will help increase sexual desire back.
Experts also confirm that exercise not only helps to lose weight, but also helps Increase sexual desire. Exercises to help blood flow to the genital area, those exercises such as yoga, jogging or riding bicycles can provide us with many benefits, especially for women.
Positive thinking about your body and your sexiness and don’t worry too much about weight. Positive thinking for ourselves, accepting what we have, and loving what we have in abundance will help us have a lot of self-confidence and can overcome mental problems as well.
If all of the above methods do not work, we should see a specialist to solve this problem.