7 main benefits of doing exercise that we never think of

We alway know that proper exercise could maintain or lose weight that provides good health. Apart from this advantage, there are many other benefits that we mostly never know.  “Motivation Feeds” will detail the seven benefits of exercise:

1-Feel Refreshing

When exercising, the body releases “ endorphins” , which are chemicals that make us feel happier and more comfortable. We start to feel better immediately within a few minutes of moving your body. Regular exercise can change your appearance, increase your confidence, love and self-esteem.

2- Increasing Energy

Exercise can really boost your energy levels. If we do exercise regularly, our muscles will be stronger and more patient. Excercise helps the body to increase oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in the body, helps the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to function better, increase the energy in our body gradually.

3- Weight Stability 

Most people knows this point, but just does not know what reaction that keep your weight stability. The more exercise or activity you do, the more calories you burned. Even if we do not exercise, but you need to start increasing our daily activities, it is also effectively  by using stairs instead of the elevator,  to set up the house, whatever you do, as long as you exert your strength, everything is good.

4- Increasing Sex 

Sexual desire can be caused by feelings of tiredness or unhappiness. Regular exercise is a good solution, not only helps to feel good, healthy, but also has a positive effect on sexual health.

Exercise helps increase sexual desire for women and for all men have exercise regularly can avoid sexual dysfunction. 

5- Keep Heart Healthy

Exercise is the best for heart health. Regular exercise reduces the risk of heart problems, increases cholesterol levels in the blood and helps prevent high blood pressure.

6- Reduce Risk of Cancer

Colorectal, breast and lung cancers can all be reduced through regular exercise. For each of us, having cancer can help improve our quality of life.

7-  Prolongs Life

Regular exercise can lead to longevity, even if you do not exercise hard, you also still  can live a long time, just do a little movement, even though do more or less still can help your heart health if compared to us do not exercise at all.

The American Heart Association claims that one hour of exercise can increase life expectancy by two hours. Adults should set a goal to exercise at least 150 minutes or more per week.

“ Remember to discuss with your doctor before starting any exercise program, especially for each other who never do exercise for a long time. If you have a chronic health problem such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis, you should see a doctor” 

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