Garlic is good for the heart blood pressure and bones.

Of course, garlic is not only an indispensable spice in the kitchen, but it provides  many benefits to our health. Garlic contains good vitamins such as manganese. Selenium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and other antioxidants that help keep our bodies strong. Other diseases.

Garlic is good for the heart blood pressure and bones
Garlic is good for the heart, blood pressure and bones

Below are benefits of garlic:  

1. Better blood pressure

Garlic has anti-inflammatory benefits as well as improves blood circulation throughout the body, according to some studies. Eating a diet rich in garlic will reduce blood pressure 10% and we can add 4 cloves of garlic in the daily diet to avoid high blood pressure as well.

2. Low Cholesterol

At the same time, garlic can help reduce the risk of heart disease as well as lower cholesterol. A study found that a diet rich in garlic will reduce cholesterol to lower levels in five months. It’s the same with many other natural remedies that take a little longer to see the effect. Because we need to allow time for vitamins and minerals to build up in our body first.

3. Reduce the risk of heart disease

Garlic can reduce the risk of heart disease because it can reduce  cholesterol and blood pressure to lower in the human body. With the ability to increase the production of nitric oxide, garlic can help blood vessels relax and prevent platelets attach to protein, which can help reduce blood clots as well as protect us from risk of heart disease as well.

4. Treat the flu and fever

Garlic boosts the immune system and reduces the severity and duration of flu and fever symptoms. According to a study, eating a diet rich in garlic daily can reduce the flu by up to 63% and the average duration of flu symptoms reduced from 5 days to one day or half a day.

5. Strengthens bones

In addition, garlic can also help reduce bone loss with an increase estrogen in women. Best for postmenopausal bone health: Eating garlic every day will reduce the risk of osteoporosis bones as well as arthritis.

Garlic make strong bones
Garlic make strong bones

6. Memory aids

Free radical damage contributes to aging, but garlic contains powerful antioxidants efficacy to fight S-Allylcysteine. This antioxidant helps protect against brain damage and let brain works smoothly when we get older.

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